Jessica Bress is the Director of Continuing Education for the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department. Her thesis explores United States’ drug policy and finds it wholly unprepared for the burgeoning phenomena related to the convergence of drugs and technology. Using the process of future-casting, she explores how the confluence of globalization, hyper-connection, exponential growth and urbanization might converge to create chemical and wearable enhancements, further complicating the regulatory environment. Jessica recommends the US decriminalize illicit drug use, establish a national bioethics committee and create an office of the future to transform today’s health and behavioral healthcare system.
Lisa Palmieri (CHDS cohort 1402) is part of DHS working in intelligence and analysis. In this episode of the Reflecting Pool podcast, Bijan and...
Today’s cyber risks to critical infrastructure and public services affect all levels of government. Eric Rosner (MA 1601/2) explores the current state of cybersecurity,...
Providing perfect security in an era of unbounded risk is impossible. In my interview with Jack Anderson (Masters 1401), we talk about caribou scapula...